Appeal Flipnote Removal Non-SEO Header

Sudomemo’s content policies are generally fairly flexible to provide creative freedom for those using it. However, you might find that something you’ve posted has been removed. In certain cases you’ll be able to re-download the Flipnote to make changes to it, but if you believe that your Flipnote has been removed in error, you may submit a removal appeal.

Before appealing, please re-review our Terms to ensure that you understand them. If you find that you made a mistake, you might be able to resubmit the Flipnote after editing it to remove offending content.

If you’d like to continue after this, please send us this information, containing the six-digit ID of the Flipnote, your Flipnote Studio ID, and why you believe your Flipnote should be reinstated.

Flipnote ID: ABC123
My Flipnote Studio ID: 5000000000000000
Why I believe it should be reinstated:

Send this information to [email protected] or to SudoModMail in the Sudomemo Discord.

We hope this helps. Happy Flipnoting!