Introducing Sudomemo Plus! A way to support Sudomemo while supercharging your experience.
What is Sudomemo Plus?
Sudomemo Plus (or “Plus” for short) is a service that allows you to support us while getting some sweet perks in return. Plus is not a monthly subscription, rather, it is prepaid on a per-day basis.
What are the perks of having Sudomemo Plus?
Plus perks include:
Flipnote Smoothing: Lines, curves, and edges are smoothed for a more natural look on Sudomemo Theatre. This option can be toggled on or off via the Flipnote options menu in your Flipnote’s details page.
Color Picker when Commenting or Chatting: Spice up your comments and messages with a splash of color! You’ll be sure to stand out from the crowd when using this feature. Monochrome comments and messages were so 2018…
Enhanced Audio: It’s no secret that the DSi/3DS’ microphones aren’t that great. With this option, we’ll do our best to clean up the audio when your Flipnotes are being viewed on Sudomemo Theatre. This option can be toggled on or off via the Flipnote options menu in your Flipnote’s details page.
Download your Comments: Have you made a comment doodle on Sudomemo that you particularly liked? By tapping the timestamp, you can visit the comment’s details page to save it to your system as a Flipnote.
No Ads on Theatre: When logged in to Sudomemo Theatre, you won’t see any advertisements.
Increased Follow Limit: The number of Creators you can follow on Sudomemo is increased from the default limit.
Access to Sudomemo Chatrooms on the Website: Chat with fellow creators directly from the Sudomemo website! Plus users get access to our chatrooms right from their web browser.
Ability to Create and Use Custom Frames for YouTube Short Upload: Personalize your YouTube Shorts even more with custom frame options when uploading from Sudomemo. Stand out and make your uploads truly unique!
How do I get Sudomemo Plus?
You can get Sudomemo Plus by:
- – Buying a Plus ticket from the Sudomemo Shop:
- – Nitro Boosting the Sudomemo Discord
- – Winning a Weekly Topic (you’ll get 21 days of Sudomemo Plus each time you win a weekly topic)
- – Redeeming a ticket and crossing your fingers!
- – Supporting us on Patreon:
Why does Sudomemo Plus exist?
Sudomemo costs hundreds of dollars per month to run, and most of this money comes out of pocket. With Sudomemo Plus, we can ensure the core features of Sudomemo (such as viewing/uploading Flipnotes, commenting/adding stars on Flipnotes, and chatting with others via the chatrooms) remain free and always accessible. Keep in mind that the features that don’t require Plus today will always be free. That is our promise.
Any questions, comments, or concerns?
We’re all ears! Let us know via Discord or Support Email.